Rev. Rodney Amos | Lead Pastor

Pastor Rod Amos & wife, Tammy
Pastor Rod came to Faith Journey Church (then called Omaha Central) in July 2015. He has previously served as lead pastor in various churches in Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas over the last 25 years. Pastor Rod preached his very first message at the age of 15 and became a pastor at his first church when he was 22. He enjoys communicating the timeless truth of God’s Word in ways that are relevant and creative, while practically applying them to aid in becoming a fully devoted follower of Christ.
Pastor Rod’s passion can be summed up in one word: Connect. His desire is to create an atmosphere where people can experience God by connecting with him through engaging worship, prayer and preaching. He desires to connect with people in the church through genuine and authentic relationships. And he wants to connect with the surrounding community by practically demonstrating the unconditional love of Christ and his life transforming power, in tangible ways.
Pastor Rod is married to Tammy and they have two talented children, Hannah and Joel. Rod says that he is blessed to have Tammy, Hannah and Joel serving along side him in the church, "as we do our part in making church a place you want to go rather than a place you have to be.”